Where Does the Money Go?
According to National Priorities Project this pie chart reflects Federal Government spending in 2015. the 2015 Budget Deficit may have been just $439,000,000,000, substantially less than previous years.
Do you feel your Government explains its spending priorities to you and allows you a fair opportunity to express your preferences as to how these massive monies are spent?
Don't you feel entitled to know where this money goes? Not only are you entitled to know, you have a responsibility as a Citizen to ensure this money is used responsibly.
Let's begin by looking at some of the larger expenditures, let's take "Defense" first.

The United States spends more on Defense than the next eight Nations combined! U.S. spends more than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany combined.

Does Michigan receive a fair share of Defense
spending? No. Although Michigan was once the
Arsenal of Democracy, our Congressional Delegation
has completely failed to bring home a fair share of
Defense spending in spite of Michigan's Carl Levin
having been Chairman, or Ranking Democrat, of
Senate Armed Services Committee from 9/11 until
his 2014 retirement. To fully appreciate how
inadequate Michigan's $2.9 Billion share is, please
compare it to the Top Ten States:
If the total $700 Billion Defense budget were divided
equally among the 50 States, each State would
receive $14 Billion. Michigan gets just $2.9 Billion?!
If you wish to become more informed about our
Defense spending, here are some resources which
may help:
National Conference of State Legislatures:
Dept. of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment: