Letter to Russian Ambassador
This letter was actually the fax transmittal cover sheet faxed with an enclosure at noon September 5, 2013 to the two publicly available fax numbers of the Russian Federation Embassy in Washington. President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry were then preparing to attack Syria for its alleged but later disproven role in the Al Ghouta gas attacks of August 21, 2013. The letter was published online September 18, 2013 at Uticansfor911Truth.
To appreciate the timing of this September 5th letter, please remember the events surrounding it. The al Ghouta false flag gas attack was August 21, 2013. The British House of Commons shortly thereafter denied Prime Minister Cameron's Force Request to intervene in Syria, the first such denial by the House of Commons in centuries. On September 1st, Pope Francis asked all people of faith to join Catholics in a Day of Prayer for Peace in Syria on Saturday September 7th. On that Saturday September 7th, President Obama balked and admitted he might not attack Syria. On September 9th, a jet-lagged SecState Kerry admitted Syria's placement of chem weapons in international hands would suffice. Michael Moore then joked that the greatest hope for World Peace may be if John Kerry continued having senior moments during his efforts to start wars.
The Russia Today news network broadcast its apparent first ever 9/11 Truth video September 8, 2013. Russian Federation President Putin addressed his letter to the American people in the New York Times' electronic edition September 11, 2013 and print edition September 12, 2013.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Vi5YHxsLI , Russia Today Truthseeker
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
John McDermott Letter to Russian Ambassador
Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the U.S.
via facsimile 9/5/13 11:59 am
Honorable Ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak,
Please pardon my presumption in writing to your Office directly. I am a grateful and loyal Citizen of the United States. I hold no elected or appointed governmental office and have not been delegated any official authority to speak on behalf of anyone other than myself. I support and will defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.
I regret the Government of the United States has, in my opinion, been effectively hijacked by malignant interests unfaithful to our U.S. Constitution, unfaithful to the Rule of Law, hostile to our American values and often hostile to human life itself. These malignant interests are apparently not satisfied murdering innocent men, women and children. They then also often resort to misleading public opinion by falsely blaming and implicating other persons and Nations who were not wholly responsible for the murderous and malignant events.
The Citizens of the United States, in my opinion, sincerely desire to redeem our National Honor and Soul by preventing further war crimes, by preventing the loss of additional innocent life and by exorcising these malignant interests from our hijacked U.S. Government.
May I please offer two suggestions which, in my opinion, may greatly expedite the exorcism of this malignancy from the U.S. Government? First, rather than addressing communications solely to the illegitimate representatives of the hijacked U.S. Government, will other Nations please consider beginning to also address the American Citizens directly? The many Swift Boat Veterans, for example, may be far more 'Fit for Command' than our illegitimate and grotesquely plasticine U.S. Secretary of State. We do not respect him and hope other Nations do not feel obligated to legitimize him by communicating solely through his now illegitimate Office.
Secondly, will the Russian Federation and other Nations please consider helping to illuminate the phenomenal deception surrounding the events of 9/11? Please pardon my vanity for attaching a research memo example of my own feeble effort to illuminate the 9/11 deception. Will the Russian Federation and other Nations please consider helping American Citizens realize the U.S. Government's complicity in the 9/11 events and deception? Will the Russian Federation please consider encouraging its journalists to illuminate the 9/11 deception on this upcoming 12th Anniversary? Will the Russian Federation please consider helping the Architects and Engineers' ReThink 911 video go viral this week? We need help awakening the conscientious but deceived American Citizens. Will you please help us?
Thank You for your consideration of these requests. Sincerely,
John V. McDermott
GPP, MI 48230
The video below left is the Russia
Today network's The Truth Seeker
which was first broadcast
September 8, 2013. Dissent not disloyalty.